Should You Do a Powerlifting Meet [Free Guide Inside]

The simple answer is: if you want to compete, then do a meet. There is no technical time in which you are qualified to do a meet other than your mentality and willingness to get on a platform and do the damn thing. Even the most experienced lifters still never feel FULLY ready to get on the platform, and that’s what makes it great!

If you don’t have any inclination to compete, then there is no need. The main factor that separates competition lifts from gym lifts is the standard to which your lifts are held. Meaning, your lifts must meet the standards of the rules of the federation and if they don’t, then they don’t count. Your lifts become more “official” not only by the standards of the federation but you must also perform to these standards under a more stressful situation AND you must perform these lifts to the best of your ability all on the same day (which is HARD to do).

Importance of doing meets:

If you don’t care about competing, entertain some of these points and then decide. In my opinion, doing a meet can be important for a lifter in terms of kicking them into full gear and setting some external motivators to go after. It forces you to not give yourself excuses for skipping that last set, for moving your sessions around, for eating like an asshole, etc. It can push you to live up to a higher standard for yourself and get you to work just a little bit harder and a little bit smarter.

It’s easy to be lax when you have the thought in the back of your head that it’s just another day in the gym. But when you know you’re going to be stepping on a platform and you need to perform to the best of your abilities then you’ll start approaching your training a little bit better. It gives you an opportunity to push past adversity when it hits, and makes you mentally stronger.

Doing a meet isn’t for everyone, even if it has many benefits to training and performance. It can require a lot of dedication and discipline to prepare for the platform if you want to perform at your best. This means that skipping days isn’t an option, being lazy in the gym isn’t an option, things will be hard on some days (and that’s what makes doing it so great!).

Competitions can be a fun experience because you get to show up to a place with a bunch of other people who are there to do the same thing as you. Even though it is a competitive environment, everyone is usually very supportive and encouraging. It can be an awesome experience even if it doesn’t go as planned and you learn so much every time you do it.

If you’re nervous about competing because you don’t like performing in front of crowds, I feel you. But just remember that everyone there is usually so focused on themselves (or whoever they are there to support) that nobody is really paying attention to you. Nobody is judging you for how much weight you have on the bar and nobody is keeping track of how you’re doing. Just get in the zone and have fun, you’ll be surprised what you’re capable of under high stress!

I’ve put together a very comprehensive guide for you to download for free if you are getting ready to do your first powerlifting meet. It can be very helpful and make things go a lot smoother so you don’t feel nervous and can just get in there and dominate!


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